Photo Catch-up

Some photos from the fatmumslim prompts this month:

March 4 – BEDSIDE

March 5 – A SMILE

March 6th – 5 pm


Dress I wore on my first date with Manfrengensen

The shoes I wore when I married him

The stylin’ kicks I have on today

March 8 WINDOW


I’m going to try to do this photo a day challenge in March from fat mum slim. Today’s prompt is “Up”.

It’s kind of funny: I took the photo in my car, just as the clouds were parting, after 36 hours of gray.  The sun was peeking out just then. Right before I took the photo, it looked like a pale ball. You can see the rain spots on my windshield, but my favorite part is the Apple reflection from my iPhone in the glass.